Are you struggling with unmet goals, expectations, tasks, projects, and relationships that are failing?
Is your chaotic ADHD life leaving you feeling unbalanced, frustrated, and ashamed with no time to be present, care for yourself, and the people you love?
As an adult with ADHD, diagnosed only a little over a year ago, I struggled with unmet expectations at work and unmet expectations for myself. I have had many failed and unhealthy relationships, a stressful lifestyle with never-ending, and unfinished tasks. I knew I was smart and qualified for the roles I was given, and blessed in many ways, but for some reason, I never felt fulfilled and truly confident.
After being a special education teacher for 7 years, I was promoted to a special education administrator in the number one school district in the country. Looking back, I realized I was promoted because of the potential that others saw in me (which was unknown to myself at the time). I had a people-pleasing personality and worked all day and night to make sure my tasks were perfect and completed. I went to sleep working and woke up tired. While my friends were developing deep and meaningful relationships, which ultimately led to marriage for many, I was working. I felt like it was Groundhogs day and I was in this never-ending treadmill of responsibilities and tasks.
I thought this lifestyle was the way life was supposed to be for me, that my gift to the world was having a hard work ethic and helping others, which equates to long work hours, and feelings of exhaustion. Any romantic relationship I was in at the time failed because I wasn’t attracting the right partner because I wasn’t showing up as my true, capable, and happy self (sorry if any of my old boyfriends are reading this). I wasn’t able to spend the time doing the things I enjoyed (tennis, working out, spending time with friends, and family in a meaningful and present way).
After years of on and off therapy that was always the result of failed experiences and unrealistic expectations on myself, I finally enrolled in a group coaching program by the recommendation of a very close friend of mine, Mike Liss, who I will never forget. After a year of going through different coaching groups and stages, I finally saw a version of myself that I never even realized was possible. I understood who I was for the first time, my strengths, my weaknesses, values, how I showed up for other people, how I was showing up for myself, and what was truly possible.
Shortly after seeing the benefits of coaching myself, I became an ADHD Coach! I wanted to give back what I received to others because I truly believed in the power of coaching.
After being a product of coaching, working with individuals with ADHD since 2006, and an ADHD Coach who has partnered with hundreds of adults with ADHD including (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, employees, creatives, students, moms, and dads, etc.), I have taken my best practices and framework and developed a 12 Week 3C Activation Adult ADHD Group Coaching Course that includes 3, 4 week phases. This course is meant for individuals with ADHD who want to live a happier and more fulfilled life while moving through a focused 12 week, 90 minute, 3 phase course, “Control, Consistent, and Confidence” which is a hybrid model of individual and group coaching.
Today I will introduce you to Phase 1, “CONTROL.”
Fellow ADHDer Albert Einstein says it best, “Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
PHASE 1: Foundational Self Discovery (Weeks 1-4) “CONTROL”: In order to slow and stop the chaos, we need to start with the chaos. This means shining a light on the parts of your life that are unbalanced. You’ll learn the subconscious beliefs that have blocked you from living in alignment with your actual strengths and values. No more beating yourself up for the mistakes you’ve made or playing over past shortcomings or events in your head. In this foundational pillar, we’ll use cutting edge methodologies that will allow you to learn and embrace what makes you uniquely YOU so you no longer have to question yourself or feel shame for who you are. The initial sense of encouragement and "I can do this!" will likely surface during this process. You'll be filled with excitement as new possibilities emerge and we design your unique plan of action.
Email Me About This Course If: You are an adult with ADHD who is currently feeling ashamed and confused about your ADHD and your potential because you are struggling with unmet goals, assignments, expectations, tasks, projects, and unhealthy relationships.
- AND-
Are seeking an understanding of yourself, your ADHD. Want to gain more control of your life, create healthy and sustainable life-long habits and routines, and ultimately gain more confidence which leads to better relationships with yourself and others, completed tasks, reasonable expectations, and more time to be present to the things you enjoy!
-Coach Brooke

For more information, please email me at Brooke@coachingwithbrooke.com
or visit my website www.coachingwithbrooke.com.