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Can You Self-Diagnose with ADHD?

In this fast-paced world, it's not uncommon to encounter moments of forgetfulness, distraction, or impulsivity.

But for some, these experiences may be more than just occasional hiccups when they begin to consistently impact our everyday functioning. With increasing awareness and access to information, many people find ourselves considering whether we might have ADHD.

So there’s a big difference between...

"Everyone thinks they have ADHD these days" "Everyone is a little bit ADHD"

And self-diagnosis.

There are 3.3 Million videos on TikTok under #ADHD. This newfound awareness can be great because it destigmatizes ADHD while spreading helpful tools for neurodiverse brains.

But of course, not all of these posts are from reliable sources. With how closely related many neurodiverse symptoms can be, it’s important to do your research with verified sources!

There are 3.3 Million videos on TikTok under #ADHD. This newfound awareness can be great because it destigmatizes ADHD while spreading helpful tools for neurodiverse brains. But of course, not all of these posts are from reliable sources. With how closely related many neurodiverse symptoms can be, it’s important to do your research with verified sources!

It's important to consider the differences between self-diagnosis and receiving a formal diagnosis from a healthcare professional. A professional diagnosis not only provides a definitive answer but also opens up access to tailored treatments and support services. They can also offer a comprehensive assessment, considering other possible conditions and providing an accurate diagnosis.

Many people don't have a reason to go through the time, effort, and money to get an official diagnosis. Validation of their struggles and learning how their brains work is all they're searching for.

Unfortunately, self diagnosis is the only affordable option for many people. In some countries, it can take several YEARS to get an ADHD diagnosis. In others, it‘s simply not available.

A doctor holds a clipboard. Behind her are crossed out Money bags, time, and worldwide.

Sometimes people avoid getting formally diagnosed to dodge discrimination in the workplace or when immigrating.

Many young individuals only have the option to self diagnose when family stigmas prevent them from getting the help they need.

If you're looking into self-diagnosing with ADHD, consider the following...

  • Everyone is late or forgets things from time to time, BUT what warrants an ADHD diagnosis, is when the symptoms chronically impact daily life.

  • Sources for Diagnosis information:

    • CHADD

    • ADDA

    • ADDitude

    • American Psychiatric Association

If you're wondering if you might have ADHD, take our FREE 5-Minute Unofficial Test Online HERE

Here for you,

Coach Brooke

Brooke smiles as she types on her laptop

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